Google Ads Vs Facebook Ads – Which is better for your business?
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So far we have discussed a lot of things like Instagram marketing, social media strategies and much more. These are great topics to get you started with marketing for your business.
Today we will be talking about Google Ads and Facebook Ads, more like Google vs Facebook, which one’s better for you.
There are many ways to evaluate where your media budget should go between Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Here’s what to think about while calculating the same.
It is one of the topmost asked questions by businesses when expanding their paid media presence.
“Where should I be spending my ad money?”
If you are into marketing and paid ads, then you must read our previous blogs to avoid mistakes that are commonly made by many marketers (even some experienced ones) and to get amazingly helpful tips and tricks to boost your sales and brand reach.
If you are into these things, then you may have had this question at least once or may have this question sometime in the future when you are planning to invest your money in paid ads. But comparing the two of the most famous platforms on the internet can be a big task. It seems difficult but we can make it very simple for you.
So keep scrolling to know more…
Google search or Facebook ads?
Another type of the same question is: “Which one is better, Facebook Ads or Google Ads?”
So the truth is, there is no such thing as “better” here when it comes to comparing these two as they do things quite differently.
The questions that you should be thinking right no are:
- Which of these is a better fit for my budget?
- Which one is a better fit when it comes to the product landscape I’m in currently?
- What stages of the buyer journey am I trying to target?
So why is there so much buzz specifically about these two platforms every time?
To put it simply, the majority of Internet users are on these two platforms, and both are proven, performers.
When you must select one advertising channel over the other, Google ads vs Facebook ads specifically their search ads product for this comparison, which one should you be choosing?
Let’s evaluate that on the basis of a situation.
Digital Advertising Budget & Acquisition Costs
Before you shell money out of your wallet, get very clear about your numbers.
Make sure you understand what you can afford to pay to gain a customer. If you don’t know this, you will end up spending a lot of money on any platform with no proper direction.
If you can afford to spend $20 to get a customer that you are spending $10 to get someone to your website which means you have to convert half your visits just to get even.
As you can see Math does not work well.
Take a proper look at your whole budget and work from the highest intent backwards: maximize your retargeting first and then move the leftover funds higher in the funnel.
This will make sure that you are getting the best possible and then be investing for the back in the customer’s journey.
Your Industry & Competition
To begin with, consider your industry and the research you are likely costs with Google’s keyword planner.
There are specific industries or sub-industries that are extremely expensive from a cost-per-click perspective and ad budget.
To give you an example, law-related keywords are super costly
If you are intending to go after research in that area in you do not have an insanely huge budget, you might want to reconsider.
Let’s say for instance that you have $500 per day in the budget, but your average CPC is $200 (yeah, that exists). This way you will only be able to afford to 2-3 clicks a day. That’s very minimal and not a very desirable outcome.
You will most probably want to have hundreds or even thousands of Impressions to learn what keywords, ads and landing pages a working well for you.
It will take a very long time to get there when you have a tiny budget versus an expensive click.
While this does not mean that you cannot use Google ads, you do not need to set the expectation that Facebook ads Might be a more affordable alternative with extremely powerful targeting capabilities for various industries.
The alternative that you have is to also consider only showing ads to users who have been to the site by using the RLSA feature in Google ads.
This can be restricted for industry, but if you can, this still allows you to show your hottest prospects when they search.
Defining Your Objective
Once you’re done determining what your organisation can afford and you have also considered The industry and the competition, should consider what you are hoping to achieve from this marketing strategy.
If your goal is to increase brand awareness or demand generation, Facebook ads may be much more economical for you.
However, if you are looking for ways to generate sales or leads (i.e., demand capture), Google ads might be a better option for your business.
In that case, a user is searching for what your organisation is selling. That’s why you will be targeting people with a much higher intention to purchase.
But you will need to consider your overall Google and Facebook ad spending once again. In many cases, I have seen lower cost per conversion (i.e cost per lead) from Facebook Ads.
The key is to measure quality and see what your cost per solid qualified lead is.
It might be twice or thrice as much on Google ads, but do they convert at a higher rate?
Make sure you are doing all the math through to your ultimate objective to find the more favourable path.
Product/Service Maturity & Overall Search Volume:
This is generally a good place to begin, but we find a lot of businesses do not consider it heavily enough. If your organization has a new product/service and there’s very little or no search volume, then Google search ads aren’t going to give you a lot of volume.
For example, in Uber, a few years back the term “rideshare” wasn’t even a thing, so no one searched for it. Services like Uber and Lyft Disrupted an industry that people weren’t searching for yet. They filled a big need, but it was not a pain point users were searching for solutions to- there were just taxis and that was that.
Before you scrap Google ads completely in this scenario consider the pain points of product addresses. There may be a series of keywords that describe what and how your product solve the problem.
Demographic-Sensitive Product or Service
If the purchase of a product or service correlates based on specific life events, audiences based, then Facebook is most likely a better option for you.
Facebook has very powerful targeting capabilities such as being able to talk with based on life-changing events. will Google gives you the ability to target life events, you are still targeting those people who are searching for those stones.
If, as we noted above, it is not something widely searched for, demographic targeting will not help your Google ads. While in Facebook, it is the primary architect mechanism allowing you to reach far more people in certain life situations:
Brand Recognition
Not as important as some other factors, but it is worth noting and loosely related to the points above.
If you are a new company or brand, then you are most likely going to be less successful in search compared to a mature, established company new industry even if you have made efforts for building brand awareness.
In this case, your competitors have much more brand recognition and brand loyalists.
When users see your ad and your competitor’s ad, they will most likely see a much higher success rate in advertising.
Make sure you consider your company’s position in the Marketplace.
You may simply need to build up your brand reputation and recognition through mediums like Facebook ads and other social network channels to start before moving to Google ads to increase the chances of success.
As you can see that there is no one-size-fits-all answer or a proper guide to whether you should use Google ads or Facebook ads.
Take a step back and forth through the following steps:-
- Determine how much you can pay to acquire a customer
- Consider your industry and whether it has a search heavy environment
- Do proper keyword research to see the CPC Rangers you will be looking at in Google ads
- Evaluate how far your budget would have to expand in different scenarios
- Keep testing more in more to find the right mix for you
That’s all for today’s blog. We hope you enjoyed reading it and found the tips helpful. Stay tuned for more content like this
See you in the next blog…
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